What's It About?

It’ll be about me, and you, and the ways that we are holding fast to the One Who is Good in big stuff and little stuff. I’ve been through stuff. You have too. Sometimes it’s been a rush, sometimes a jarring ride, and at times we ended up in the drink. I don’t know about you, but with the help of some friends, I’m in training to weather the ride by ”holding fast to that which is good”. The ride isn’t over, and I invite you along on the journey. I think too much, that’s all.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

*Bang bang bang; "oof!"*...

Oh!  Hi.  Sorry, I didn't see you standing there.  I was just nailing that piece of trim up over there.  Don't you love the smell of new wood?

I'm still finishing this blog home out, so it may be awhile before I'm ready for company, but thanks for dropping by...I'm looking forward to your visits once I've painted, hung the doors and windows and there is carpet on the floors, furniture suitable for frivolous chatting as well as deep thinking, and the fridge is stocked.

Meanwhile, I don't want you to go away empty handed...so here's a thought to take with you as you leave:

Hebrews 10:23 "      Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. "

Now, you have a blessed day, you hear?  Mind the sawdust on your way out...

1 comment:

  1. Love what you've done with the place! Can't wait to see what it will become :D


I'm the Mom. Play nice. Don't make me come down there. The rules? The way to find out what they are is to break them.